Saturday, 17 December 2016

Butterball Reviews Cat Tales: Twelve Fabulous Feline Fables

Title: Cat Tales: Twelve Fabulous Feline Fables
Editor: Madeleine Mayfair
Status: Read
Presence of Cats: Very much so. A cat for every month of the year.

Butterball Says:

If the cover image from the paperback edition of Cat Tales: Twelve Fabulous Feline Fables seems familiar to you, perhaps that is because you've so often seen it in the Cats Read Mysteries blog header. Madeleine Mayfair, curator of Crazy Cat Stuff and editor of Cat Tales, was kind enough to create our header, so it would be remiss of me not to mention the wonderful anthology of cat stories she has assembled.

In Cat Tales, you will find short stories from a number of literary greats including Edgar Allan Poe, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Mark Twain and Madame la Comtesse d'Aulnoy.

Of particular interest to mystery readers is the inclusion of The Brazilian Cat by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. This tale features a large cat rather than a domestic house cat such as myself. The dynamic between the humans of this story and the title character piques one's interest from the outset. And yet, throughout the tale, a mystery slowly simmers in the reader's mind. The wife of the Brazilian Cat's keeper treats the narrator with not-so-subtle ire. Why? They've only just met.

Throughout the commencement of this tale, we eagerly anticipate what action is to come. When a man keeps a jungle cat penned up in his manor house, that cat will surely wreak havoc upon the cast of characters. But how will this come to pass? Will the Brazilian Cat attack at his master's command? Or of his own volition? Who, if anyone, will be slaughtered?

A stunning tale, exactly what we readers have come to expect from a Master of Mystery like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. If you have not read The Brazilian Cat, find it along with eleven other cat tales in the aptly named Cat Tales: Twelve Fabulous Feline Fables edited by Madeleine Mayfair.

Whether cuddly or conniving, playful or ferocious, cats have thoroughly captured the imagination of humans across the centuries...

Find Cat Tales in print or as an ebook from Amazon!

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