Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Utterly Shameless! A is for A**hole: The Alphabet #Book of #Cats

Title: A is for A**hole: The Alphabet Book of Cats
Author: Maddie Mayfair
Genre: Humour (If you can call it that!)
Cats?: Nothing but.

Butterball Says:
In past posts, I have spoken highly of Madeleine Mayfair. How reckless of me! As curator of Crazy Cat Stuff and editor of Cat Tales: Twelve Fabulous Feline Fables (not to mention creator of our very own header here at Cats Read Mysteries), one would imagine such a person might feel a certain sensitivity toward creatures of the feline variety. Madeleine (Maddie) Mayfair definitely had me fooled.

With her most recent book, Madeleine Mayfair has proven herself to be a traitor of the highest order. If you ask me, her “comical” alphabet book, A is for A**hole: The Alphabet Book of Cats, is akin to treason! Comedy, my foot! Any book that calls attention to a feline’s baser habits, such as emitting the odd hairball or elusively defecating outside of one’s litter box can as much be called a comedy as saltines can be called a savoury snack.

Do not be fooled into believing we cats have a sense of humour about our various eccentricities. We are sensitive creatures and do not appreciate humans who turn us into the butt of their jokes—no pun intended.

Madeleine Mayfair claims her new book makes a great gift for cat owners. As if any human deserves a gift! Your money would be better spent showering the household’s cat (or, potentially, multiple cats) with baubles, trinkets, toys and treats.

I would go so far as to advise the reader not to purchase Ms. Mayfair’s ridiculous trifle—that is to say, if we Mystery Cats were not indebted to her for the graphic design skills she has kindly donated in the past.

Going forward, Madeleine Mayfair would be well advised to keep her bizarre sense of humour behind closed doors and not torture the world with her “satirical” portrait of the feline kind.

Avoid A is for A**hole at all costs. Do not seek it out at Amazon, even if you are in any way tempted to purchase it as a gift for the cat owner in your life!

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

What's New, #Mystery #Cats?

Hey, Mystery Cats! What are we reading?

KitKat Says:

Zorro's Hardy Boys review inspired me to dive into Nancy Drew. I've never read the series, if you can believe it, but I'm starting with The Witch Tree Symbol. Antique furniture and the Amish--what's not to love?

Zorro Says:

Haven't started it yet, but there's a Linwood Barclay waiting for me. Been hearing great things about his books for years. He's a bit of a hometown hero, too. So time to take him for a spin with The Accident.

Ginger Says:

Next on my list is Definitely Dead by Charlaine Harris. I read Shakespeare's Trollop in the Lily Bard series and gobbled it up. I absolutely loved it. I'm not sure if Definitely Dead (A Sookie Stackhouse Novel) will appeal to me quite as strongly because it's paranormal and that's not really my thing, but if it isn't to my taste I'll pass it over to KitKit.

Butterball Says:

It is always most difficult to choose a book to read after one has devoured an Agatha Christie mystery as brilliant as The ABC Murders (which I shall have to review on the blog sooner rather than later), but I have selected a Martha Grimes novel to follow. I must admit I've judged The Old Fox Deceiv'd by its eerie cover. I am very much looking forward to exploring its interior.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

KitKat Reads #LGBT #Cozy #Mystery Small Town Scandal by J.J. Brass
Title: Small Town Scandal
Author: J.J. Brass
Genre: LGBT / Small Town / Cozy
Status: Read
Cats?: None

KitKat Says:

Agatha Vanderjagt is a crotchety old woman who lives alone in the small town of Hillsgrave. She also happens to be a retired schoolteacher.

Chris is a trans man and former student of Miss Vanderjagt's. As his ex-girlfriend points out, he's serious about taking care of animals and elders. That's why he cares for dogs full-time and gives Agatha a hand around the house after work.

When Agatha gets a blackmail letter, Chris is the only one she can turn to. The blackmailer has come across sexy black-and-white photos--photos of Agatha and her lesbian lover from long, long ago.

Chris drops everything to help solve the mystery of who is demanding money from Agatha. He obviously feels a deep sense of responsibility toward his former teacher, because he goes on helping her even when she shows him zero gratitude. The back-and-forth between Agatha and Chris is hilarious and all too real at times. They feel like family, like a grandmother and her grandson. They irritate each other constantly, but they always stick together. To me, this is a family mystery--a shining example of chosen family in a small-town setting.

As for the mystery, there are plenty of suspects to choose from. Agatha isn't the most beloved figure in town. When you see the way she talks to people you'll understand why! There's also a romantic B-plot about Chris and his ex-girlfriend... who happens to be the only person in town who freely admits to having seen the photographs Agatha's being blackmailed about. Hmmm...

If you're looking for a cozy small-town mystery with a hearty dose of queer representation, look no further. Small Town Scandal by J.J. Brass is the book for you!